


Please fill in the necessary items below and click the “内容を確認する(=continue)” button.
On the next page, please confirm the information and, if you agree, press"submit".
You will receive "完了画面"(=web application completed)message. ※Please be careful that your application is not yet completed at this stage. We willsnd an email and/or call you to confirm the details of your application.

If your reservation is for less than a week, please directly contact us by making a phone call(+81-771-77-0014)and do not send the above form.

If you do not receive an email other than automated email within 2 to 3 days, please call the office directly.
It is possible our email did not reach you due to e-mail address error etc.
It may occur some kind od communication failure for us, please ask us on our Face Book [ https://www.facebook.com/miyama.kajika ]

開催日 Date:2020年1/26日(sun)・29日(wed)・31日(fri)・2月1日(sat)
価格:1名様あたり9,000円(税込) 往復バス代・ご夕食代を含む / Price: 9,000yen
※参加費は当日現金でいただきます。/ Credit card is not available.

 Please check this web site.
コチラ Here
【ツアースケジュール / Schedule】
JR京都駅八条口バスターミナル(京都アバンティ前) 14時00分発
Meeting time; 2:00 p.m. Meeting place; JR Kyoto Hachijo exit, in front of AVANTY Bus Terminal
15:45-16:15 道の駅美山ふれあい広場 / 15:45-16:15 Arrive at Road side station
16:30-17:30 美山町自然文化村(ご夕食会場)/ 16:30-17:30 Arrive at Dinner place
17:35-19:30 かやぶきの里 / 17:35-19:30 Arrive at Kayabuki-no-sato(venue of Yukitouro)
(自由時間) / Free time.
雪灯籠点火 17時00分から / Time of starting illumination; 5:00 p.m.
かやぶきの里 19時30分発 / Departure time; 7:30 p.m.

JR京都駅八条口バスターミナル 21時30分着 / Break up time is about 9:30 p.m. at JR Kyoto station
※募集の締め切りは、各設定日の1週間前です。/ Closing of application is one week before.

The above price is for 4 years of age or more. Small children (under 3 years old) are free, in that case, we seat them in a spare seat. If you need normal seat for them, please write remarks column at the end of this mailform.
※ツアー当日、添乗員が同行します。/ There are tour guide.
Between arrival and light up, let's enjoy experience of snow lanterns, open-air stall, and Miyama Musiun of Folklore.
There is some possibility that we change the schedule being dependent on what the weather is like.
Please note that our cancellation policy is of 7 days before the date.

以下の内容を入力してください。 (※)の項目は必ずご入力ください。
Please input the mailform as below. The entry of items marked (※) is necessary.
We are going to start reservation at 9:00 on 7 Dec.